Solfege: The First 5 Notes
Do is the lowest. Sol is the highest.
Solfege: DO, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol
Solfege (Soul-fej) is what we use to sing notes with no words.
Do - Like “Dough”nut
Re - Like Ray
Mi - Say it Me not My
Fa - As in “Fa”ther
Sol - I feel music in my “Soul”.
Sol is the highest. Do is the lowest.
SOlfege on the Staff
Do is the starting place.
After that just follow with Re, Mi, Fa, and Sol!
Everyone gets its own line or space.
Starting on Sol
If we start on Sol,
then we work backwards!
DO in New places
Do is great because we can put it almost anywhere.
Where ever Do is, you follow the solfege pattern for Re, Mi, Fa, and Sol.
Starting in the Space
Do or Sol can also start in a space.
You still follow the same rules.